четвъртък, 4 декември 2014 г.

10 Weird Facts About the Human Body

Tails, webbed toes, third nipples, and more body oddities explained.
webmd logo  Special: The Human Body Exposed
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Human Body
10 Weird Facts About the Human Body

Can you really be born with a tail? Are men more likely to have a third nipple? And what's the deal with webbed toes? Get the facts about some of our oddest body parts.
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Bodily Fluids and Functions
The Scoop on Poop    
Everything you ever wanted to know about it, from shape to frequency to color.
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What Snot Is Made Of
Ever wondered what that slimy substance is and why our bodies make it?
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Why We Have Earwax
The No. 1 job of the yellow, gooey stuff is surprisingly simple.
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The Truth About Blood
Which blood type mosquitoes like best and why vampires never existed.
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True or False?
You Can Break Your Penis
You Can Grow More Back Bones
Both Breasts Should Be the Same Size
Babies Are Born Without Kneecaps
Symptom Checker  
Anatomy 101
Your Kidneys
Your Liver
Your Pancreas
Your Brain

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