петък, 21 август 2015 г.

Men’s Bodies Exposed

What men want in a relationship, how the male anatomy works, and more.
webmd logo Special: Men's Secrets Revealed
Friday, August 21, 2015
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18 Things Guys Wish Women Knew

Don't be shy about letting him know you're in the mood. And plan activities you can do together to strengthen your bond. We've got the secrets to winning -- and keeping -- a man's heart.
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The Male Body
Why Shrinkage Happens    
And 14 more things you should know about the penis, but probably don't.
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Guys Have Body Issues, Too
Back hair, baldness, and other things that bother some men.
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What Is an Enlarged Prostate?
More than half of men over age 60 have it, and many don't know it.
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The Truth About ED
Having a poor libido doesn't cause erectile dysfunction. Here's what does.
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Do You Know?
The Most Common Condom Mistake
The Average Penis Size
How Erections and Ejaculation Happen
What Testosterone Does
Symptom Checker  

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