неделя, 18 септември 2016 г.

Why You Shouldn't Share Your Toothbrush (It's Gross Anyway)

From sharing personal products to eating contaminated salad, hepatitis A, B, and C spread in very different ways.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Sunday, September 18, 2016
  Women's Health
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Common Adult Skin Problems
Broken out, itchy, or covered in a rash? Find out common causes, like shingles, hives, and more.
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How to Pick Good Sunglasses
Ward off wrinkles, protect your eyes from UV light, and look cool with these tips for choosing new shades.
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Do Whitening Toothpastes Actually Whiten?
Pastes and rinses can help bring back a little luster, but so can baking soda, apples, and these other foods.

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