четвъртък, 12 януари 2017 г.

These Things Can Take a Toll on Your Heart

A bad diet and not enough exercise can hurt your heart. But so can shift work, traffic delays, and these other things.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Thursday, January 12, 2017
  Women's Health
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Treating Crohn's Disease With Biologics
Are biologics right for you? If you have moderate to severe symptoms, see how they can make a big difference.
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What Do You Know About Psoriatic Arthritis?
Does it usually come before the red scaly patches of psoriasis? And are women more likely to have it?
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What Is 'Walking Pneumonia'?
This mild form of pneumonia can make you miserable, but it probably won't put you in the hospital. Look for these symptoms.

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