събота, 18 март 2017 г.

How Healthy Is Your Pancreas?

This 6-inch-long gland does much more than just help your body digest food. Can you live without it?
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Saturday, March 18, 2017
  Women's Health
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Breast Cancer Today
For Americans diagnosed with breast cancer, there are plenty of reasons to be hopeful -- treatment's not what it was 20 years ago.
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Everyday Ways to Ease Depression
Exercise works almost as well as antidepressants for some people. And sometimes your pet really can be your best friend. That's good therapy.
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Reasons You're Not Hungry
Your brain and your gut work together to let you know you're hungry. So if you don't feel like eating, it could be a number of these things.
From Our Sponsor
Digestive Discomfort

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