неделя, 16 април 2017 г.

Best and Worst Fast-Food Breakfasts

When you choose a drive-thru breakfast, you trade your health for the convenience of a high-fat, high-calorie meal. Try these better bets.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Sunday, April 16, 2017
  Women's Health
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Do You Have a Mold Allergy?
All of us are exposed to some mold every day. If you have a mold allergy, everyday foods could trigger a reaction.
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How Sitting Too Much Hurts Your Health
"Sitting disease" may not sound like a real thing, but spending too much time on your rear can cause these very real health problems.
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Message Board
Do All Women Gain Weight With Menopause?
"I went through menopause about 8 years ago. Since then, the pounds have piled on." Is that normal for women ages 55 to 65?

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