събота, 25 април 2015 г.

What Your Poop Reveals About Your Health

Can a bowel movement make you giddy? How often does the average person pass gas? When should you call your doctor? And more things to know about going No. 2.
webmd logo Special: Are Your Bathroom Habits Normal?
Saturday, April 25, 2015
What to Know Before You Go
Pooping: What to Know Before You Go

Can a bowel movement make you giddy? How often does the average person pass gas? And more things to know about going No. 2.
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Behind the Bathroom Door
Is Your Pee Normal?    
Is it typical to get up to pee in the night? Is "shy bladder" a real thing? Test your smarts.
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16 Tips for Better Digestion
Steps to help you halt heartburn, beat bloating, dodge indigestion, and more.
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IBS Warning Signs
Learn what can trigger it, who gets it most, and what you can do to feel better.
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12 Foods That Can Trigger Diarrhea
What to avoid to help prevent diarrhea and other digestive problems.
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Symptom Checker  
What You Should Know
Is It Safe to Drink Your Pee?
Common Myths About Digestion
Can a Toilet Seat Make You Sick?
How to Treat Hemorrhoids

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