неделя, 27 декември 2015 г.

How Alcohol Messes With Your Body

Is there truth to the ol' "liquor before beer" adage? Can pain pills before bed help you feel better the next day? Here are the answers -- just in time for New Year's Eve.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Sunday, December 27, 2015
Special: Truth About Alcohol
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Bottoms Up: 11 Facts About Beer
Is it fat-free? What's the calorie difference between "lite" and regular? See how much you know.
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Diabetes-Friendly Drinks
Did you know that wine may help your body use insulin better? See more best bets -- and disasters.
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Alcohol: Healthy or Not?
Do older drinkers outlive their teetotaler friends? Can heavy boozing shrink your brain?

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