петък, 15 юли 2016 г.

Best and Worst Breakfast Choices

The drive-thru doesn't have to wreck your diet -- if you choose wisely. Ditch the hotcakes meal for an Egg McMuffin, and see other smart swaps.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Friday, July 15, 2016
  Special: All About Breakfast
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6 Ways to Cook Amazing Eggs
With moo shu veggies, in a casserole -- break out of your shell and try these easy, delicious recipes.
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10 Fun, Healthy Kid Breakfasts
Get the dish on "Grape Jello Jigglers," "Bagel Gone Bananas," and other tasty treats to start their day.
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12 Sizzling Facts About Bacon
Which has more calories: 4 strips or 2 scrambled eggs? Can bacon trigger migraines? The answers may surprise you.

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