събота, 23 юли 2016 г.

What Is Your Pet Trying to Tell You?

Tail straight out from the body, or tail wagging to the right. What do these signals mean? We unleash the truth.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Saturday, July 23, 2016
  Special: If Your Pet Could Talk
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25 Mistakes Pet Owners Make
Keeping the food bowl full is a common one. Find out what other risky things you may be doing.
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Cats and Dogs: 23 Myths & Facts
"Dogs fall in love." "Cats need milk." What's true and what's false? We throw you more than a bone.
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How to Have a Pet + a Clean Home
Learn the secret to a non-stinky litter box, the best way to clean pet barf in your carpet, and more.
Tell Me the Truth
Is My Dog Normal?
Is My Cat Normal?

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