четвъртък, 18 май 2017 г.

12 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Kidneys

Did you know too much red meat and diet soda can cause problems for your kidneys? Here's what else you should watch out for.
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12 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Kidneys
Did you know too much red meat and diet soda can cause problems for your kidneys? Here's what else you should watch out for.
The Truth About Type 2 Diabetes
Is a low-carb diet your best bet? Will you always have to take medication? We have these answers and more.
How to Become a Happier Person
Could it be as easy as changing the way you walk down the street?
Get Cravings in Check
Here's what to do next time your urge for a treat threatens to derail your diet.
How Aging Changes Your Brain
Does your brain shrink as you get older? And are men more likely to have memory problems than women?
All About Bunions
What are they, anyway? And is surgery the only way to get rid of them?

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