събота, 27 май 2017 г.

Worst Shoes for Your Feet

From ankle sprains to chronic pain, which are the worst offenders -- stilettos, ballerinas, or flip-flops?
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Saturday, May 27, 2017
  Women's Health
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What You Need to Know About Hepatitis C
Every year, 17,000 more people are infected. You can't get it by kissing, hugging, or sharing eating utensils. But here's how you can.
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Common Myths About Type 2 Diabetes
Is it true that if you have it, dessert is off the menu? Or that you might not know you have it? Let's set things straight.
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Ways to Avoid and Treat MS Flare-Ups
Multiple sclerosis is unpredictable, but on average, you'll have one exacerbation per year. These steps can help prevent these flare-ups.

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