петък, 27 април 2018 г.

What You Don't Know About Sugar

The average American eats about 152 pounds of sugar in a single year. Find out which foods are loaded with it, which words to look for on nutrition labels, and more.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Friday, April 27, 2018
  Women's Health
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Low-Carb Diet for Diabetes
Not all types of carbohydrates are the enemy -- you just have to choose wisely. We break down how "simple" and "complex" carbs differ.
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Signs You're Not Getting Enough Zinc
An average adult woman needs 8 milligrams a day (or more during pregnancy). Make sure you're getting what you need.
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Why Is PCOS So Hard to Diagnose?
Your genes play a role, but some experts think high levels of insulin are at the root of this condition.

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