вторник, 17 април 2018 г.

What Your Pancreas Does for You

What does your pancreas do, exactly? Can a pancreas self-destruct? What does it have to do with diabetes? Learn more about this vital organ.
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What Your Pancreas Does for You
What does your pancreas do, exactly? Can a pancreas self-destruct? What does it have to do with diabetes? Learn more about this vital organ.
Surprising Facts About Your Tongue
Ever wonder how many taste buds you have? And does your taste change as you get older?
How to Cut Your Chance of Having a Stroke
What you eat and drink, how often you exercise, and what medications you take can all make a difference.
Delicious Foods That Are Secretly Healthy
A healthy diet doesn't have to be boring. Some foods that may seem like guilty pleasures can be good for you.
How to Know if You Need Antibiotics
Antibiotics kill bacteria or keep them from growing, but they don't fight viruses. Here's what you need to know.
How to Avoid Injuries With Epilepsy
You never know when or where a seizure will strike. But there are things you can do to lower your odds of getting hurt.

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