неделя, 30 септември 2018 г.

How Your Height Affects Your Health

If you're taller or shorter than 5 feet 4 inches, you may be more likely to have certain conditions.
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Women's Health
How Your Height Affects Your Health
If you're taller or shorter than 5 feet 4 inches, you may be more likely to have certain conditions.
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What Is Metabolic Syndrome?
High blood sugar and high blood pressure can raise your odds. Here's how you can prevent it.
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Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine?
It isn't just contagious -- laughing gives you a natural high, helps ease pain, and can do a lot of other good things for your health.
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Sugar Detox: How Much Is Too Much?
You don't need as much sugar as you think you do. In fact, over time, you can retrain your sweet tooth.
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The Truth About Protein Bars
Is more protein better? And are these bars actually decent meal replacements? We unwrap the facts.
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