петък, 23 декември 2011 г.

Ovarian Cancer: What You Need to Know

Women's Health Newsletter Friday, December 23, 2011
In This Issue:
  • What's the Secret to Flawless Skin?
  • 7 Tactics to Keep Stress in Check
  • Birth Control Pills Out of Whack

Top Story What You Need to Know
About Ovarian Cancer

Because its symptoms are vague, ovarian
cancer can be hard to catch early. Learn
the risk factors and signs to look out for.

Also See:
  • Causes, Signs of Cervical Cancer
  • HPV Test Beats Pap Test
  • Is Vitamin D a Dud?
Health News & Features
What's the Secret to Flawless Skin?
Hint: You don't have to be born with it. Find out what women
with beautiful skin are doing right, so you can start doing it, too.
Also See:
  • What to Do About Super-Dry Skin
  • Take the 8-Question Winter Skin Care Assessment

7 Tactics to Keep Stress in Check
Between holiday shopping, entertaining guests, and school vacations,
stress creeps in. Learn how your family can keep stress at bay.
Also See:
  • 10 Best and Worst Holiday Food Gifts
  • How to Handle Embarrassing Body Problems

More From WebMD:
• What to Look for in Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products 
• Your Guide to Dupuytren's Contracture
• Ulcerative Colitis: Questions for Your Doctor
From The WebMD Network
• What Is Macular Degeneration?
• Learn More About the HPV Test
• Slideshow: Overcoming Sexual Problems as We Age
From The WebMD Women's Health Community
Birth Control Pills Out of Whack
She decided to skip her period over Christmas break, but now
she's not sure which pills to take. Our expert tells her what to do.

See more discussions from the WebMD Women's Health Community.
From Our Sponsors
• Living with Depression?
• Learn about Fibromyalgia Pain Management
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