събота, 2 декември 2017 г.

Best and Worst Drinks

Are you choosing your beverages wisely? We don't just mean alcohol, either. See which ones you should be drinking, and which you should avoid.
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Best and Worst Drinks
Are you choosing your beverages wisely? We don't just mean alcohol, either. See which ones you should be drinking, and which you should avoid.
Natural Ways to Ease Depression
Exercise, a healthy diet, and other good habits may help you feel positive about your life. But they're not always enough.
Protect Your Pearly Whites
You've got one set of teeth to last a lifetime. Could you be wrecking them with one of these bad habits?
Why Your Weight Changes Throughout the Day
The medications you take, certain conditions, and these other things can affect the number on your scale.
Celiac Disease Warning Signs
An estimated 1.8 million Americans have the disorder and need to follow a gluten-free diet. Could you be one of them?
Common Flu Myths
Can you get the flu from the flu shot? What about from going outside with wet hair? We separate fact from fiction.

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