четвъртък, 21 декември 2017 г.

How to Follow a Low-Residue Diet

Say goodbye to hard-to-digest foods like broccoli and whole grains, and hello to well-cooked vegetables (and most meats).
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Digestive Disorders
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How to Follow a Low-Residue Diet
Say goodbye to hard-to-digest foods like broccoli and whole grains, and hello to well-cooked vegetables (and most meats).
Tips for Handling a Crohn's Flare
Start by taking the right meds, lowering your stress, and drinking enough water.
Diarrhea: When to Call the Doctor
Most cases are a brief inconvenience. But these signs could mean you have a serious problem.
Constipation Treatments That Work
Medications aren't the only option. Your doctor may prescribe lifestyle changes like these.
Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma
Acid reflux and having trouble swallowing may be signs of this cancer of the esophagus.
What Your Poop Is Trying to Tell You
The shape, size, and color of your stool can say a lot about your digestive health.

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