събота, 9 декември 2017 г.

Top Causes of Liver Damage

Lots of medical conditions -- and bad habits -- can harm your liver. Luckily, you can often slow, stop, or even reverse the damage.
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Top Causes of Liver Damage
Lots of medical conditions -- and bad habits -- can harm your liver. Luckily, you can often slow, stop, or even reverse the damage.
Why Joint Health Matters
They're all over your body, but what do you really know about your joints?
13 Sex-Drive Killers
If sex is always the last thing on your mind, one of these issues may be the reason.
Mistakes That Can Harm Your Pets
You may be putting your beloved family member at risk, and not even know it.
When Pain in Your Hands Means Carpal Tunnel
If you have frequent numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in the hand, it could be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.
How Birth Order Shapes Personality
Whether you were born first, last, or in the middle, you'll be surprised how many parts of your life may be affected.

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