четвъртък, 7 декември 2017 г.

Yoga Moves That Help Digestion

Yoga is known to cut stress, but it can also improve digestion. Start by trying these 3 simple poses.
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Digestive Disorders
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Yoga Moves That Help Digestion
Yoga is known to cut stress, but it can also improve digestion. Start by trying these 3 simple poses.
How Crohn's Is Diagnosed
Your doctor may put you through a combination of exams, lab tests, and imaging studies.
Nausea and Vomiting: The Basics
Find out what can bring on that queasy feeling of nausea right before you throw up.
Is Peppermint Oil Safe?
It may help with IBS and digestion issues. But there are possible side effects.
Signs You May Have Ulcerative Colitis
Diarrhea with blood or pus is the most common symptom. Learn the others.
IBS: When to Call the Doctor
Learn the difference between common and red-flag symptoms, such as rectal bleeding.

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