четвъртък, 13 юни 2019 г.

11 Ways Clutter Harms Your Health

While a bit of chaos might have some upsides -- at least one study suggests that a messy room spurs creativity -- it can be very damaging for your physical and mental health.
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11 Ways Clutter Harms Your Health
While a bit of chaos might have some upsides -- at least one study suggests that a messy room spurs creativity -- it can be very damaging for your physical and mental health.
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Why Does Your Pet Make You Sneeze?
There are no truly "hypoallergenic" cats or dogs. Learn what makes you sensitive to pets and what you can do about pet allergies.
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How Aging Affects Your Skin
The choices you make every day -- what you eat, where you go, how you feel -- affect how your skin looks.
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Depression Warning Signs
Could you be depressed and not know it? The symptoms may not always look like what you'd expect.
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Can You Prevent Osteoarthritis?
Also called "wear and tear" arthritis, OA affects most people over 60 to some degree. Find out what you can do about it.
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