четвъртък, 27 юни 2019 г.

Are Skin Tags an Early Sign of Cancer?

Almost half of all people have a skin tag at some point in their lives. But what causes them, and what's the best way to remove them?
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Are Skin Tags an Early Sign of Cancer?
Almost half of all people have a skin tag at some point in their lives. But what causes them, and what's the best way to remove them?
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Foods That Increase Belly Fat
Belly fat is associated with serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Here's what to eat -- and what to avoid.
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Are You Making These Eye Mistakes?
You may be hurting your eyes and not even know it. See if you may be harming your vision, and what you can do about it.
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15 Ways to Get Happy Right Now
Each of these small activities can make a big difference in how you feel. How many can you do today?
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Why Do We Forget Things?
Here's what you need to know about déjà vu, how long-term memory works, and what breakfast has to do with your recall.
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New Food Recalls
Kroger Recalls Berries Tainted With Hepatitis A
Whole Foods Recalls 2 Pesto Products
Tyson Recalls 190,000 Pounds of Chicken Fritters
Heart Health
Is Alcohol Really Good for Your Heart?
Tight Diabetes Control May Not Help Heart Long Term

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