петък, 21 юни 2019 г.

What Your Sleep Position Says About You

Do you sleep best on your back, side, or stomach? The answer may affect your health and provide some surprising clues about your outlook on life.
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What Your Sleep Position Says About You
Do you sleep best on your back, side, or stomach? The answer may affect your health and provide some surprising clues about your outlook on life.
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10 Quick Stress Busters
Sometimes it feels like life is throwing you more than you can handle. These fast pick-me-ups can help you stay calm.
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How to Handle Kidney Stones
They're rarely diagnosed before they begin causing pain. Once that happens, here are your options.
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What Can You Do About Osteoporosis?
About half of women 50 and older will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime. But there are things you can do to help prevent that.
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Why Do People Cheat?
Experts say that most often, men and women have different reasons for being unfaithful.
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Helpful Health Headlines
Study: Dentists Prescribe Antibiotics Far Too Often
Few Getting Needed Checkups After Prostate Cancer
Beta-Blockers Might Fight AFib, Too
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How to Connect With Strangers
How to Stay Sexually Connected During Infertility Treatment

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