събота, 8 декември 2018 г.

Best and Worst All-American Foods

Some of your favorite foods are loaded with saturated fat, sodium, and other things that can harm your health. But which choices are better?
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Best and Worst All-American Foods
Some of your favorite foods are loaded with saturated fat, sodium, and other things that can harm your health. But which choices are better?
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What You Should Know About Your Heartbeat
Heart rates are different, depending on your age, fitness, and if you're moving or at rest.
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6 Things You Should Never Buy Used
You might save a bit upfront, but buying used can come with hidden costs. Learn what to watch for and what you should never buy secondhand.
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The Truth About Hangovers
The morning-after price can include a pounding headache, fatigue, cotton mouth, queasy stomach -- and a weakened immune system
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What a Panic Attack Feels Like
It can be so sudden and intense that you feel helpless, unable to move or think clearly.
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Children's Health News
CDC: Cases of Polio-Like Illness May Have Peaked
Simple Playtime Beats Digital Toys
Another Tally Puts Autism Cases at 1 in 40
Workouts for Busy People
7-Minute Workout
5 Ways to Sneak In Fitness

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