събота, 22 декември 2018 г.

Hormone Therapy: Benefits and Risks

You don't get through menopause overnight. HRT can ease symptoms, but it may raise the odds of certain problems in some women.
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Women's Health
Hormone Therapy: Benefits and Risks
You don't get through menopause overnight. HRT can ease symptoms, but it may raise the odds of certain problems in some women.
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Myths About Fasting and Detox
They promise toxin-purging benefits. But is there any evidence that detox diets, cleanses, and fasting really work?
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What's the TLC Program for High Cholesterol?
Short for Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, this program uses diet, exercise, and weight control to lower your levels.
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Heart Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore
Symptoms of a heart attack are an emergency. Quick treatment can lessen damage to your heart.
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What Is a Living-Donor Liver Transplant?
It takes only about 2 months for a donor's liver to grow back to its original size. Here's how the lifesaving surgery works.
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