събота, 29 декември 2018 г.

Symptoms of Thyroid Problems

Symptoms can be vague, and you may blame them on stress. But weight changes, fatigue, and crankiness can all be clues.
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Women's Health
Symptoms of Thyroid Problems
Symptoms can be vague, and you may blame them on stress. But weight changes, fatigue, and crankiness can all be clues.
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You've enjoyed some great times together, but there's growing distance in your friendship. Is it time to cut ties?
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Simple Ways to Become a Happier Person
You can trick your body into releasing feel-good brain chemicals just by smiling more, even if you have to fake it.
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Foods for a Long, Healthy Life
Looking for the right recipe to fight aging? Diet has some influence, including these heart-healthy foods.
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How Addiction Changes the Brain
This chronic brain disease knows no boundaries and affects people regardless of age, race, and financial status.
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