петък, 14 декември 2018 г.

Metabolic Syndrome: 5 Conditions That Raise Your Risk

It's actually a group of conditions, not a single disease. And it makes you more likely to have heart disease, a stroke, and diabetes.
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Women's Health
Metabolic Syndrome: 5 Conditions That Raise Your Risk
It's actually a group of conditions, not a single disease. And it makes you more likely to have heart disease, a stroke, and diabetes.
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Easy Ways to Add More Fiber to Your Diet
Most of us get less than half of the 25 grams we need daily. But these tips will have you well on your way.
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Get to the Root of Your Arguments
Too often, when couples argue, they fail to address problems that are under the surface.
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Maintaining Physical Health With B-Cell Lymphoma
This cancer and its treatments can weaken your immune system. But you can prevent infections with these easy tips.
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What Happens When Your Body Doesn't Make Enough Platelets
It might not cause you any health problems at all. But if you do have symptoms, like bleeding too much, treatments can help.
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