вторник, 11 декември 2018 г.

How to Reverse Prediabetes

The diagnosis can be a wake-up call, but it doesn't have to mean a full-blown diabetes diagnosis is in your future. These changes can help you turn it around.
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Women's Health
How to Reverse Prediabetes
The diagnosis can be a wake-up call, but it doesn't have to mean a full-blown diabetes diagnosis is in your future. These changes can help you turn it around.
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Yoga Poses for Everyone
Yoga can benefit anybody at any fitness level and at any age. These basic moves are a great way to start.
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What Coconut Oil Can Do for Your Skin
While there isn't much evidence that consuming coconut oil will benefit your skin, research suggests that applying it to the surface may help.
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Are You Overlooking Your Eyes?
It's a good idea to have an annual checkup, especially once you're over 40. But that's not all you can do to preserve your vision.
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7 Things to Clean This Cold and Flu Season
The remote control is one of the least-cleaned items. But don't overlook smartphones, toothbrushes, and these other everyday items.
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