петък, 24 август 2018 г.

12 Ways Your Job Can Wreck Your Health

Your job can take a serious toll on your back, neck, eyes -- even your skin. Here's what you can do to help protect yourself.
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Women's Health
12 Ways Your Job Can Wreck Your Health
Your job can take a serious toll on your back, neck, eyes -- even your skin. Here's what you can do to help protect yourself.
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Antioxidants: What They Are and What They Do
They're sometimes seen as a kind of magic bullet for health problems. But what do they actually do?
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Could It Be a Yeast Infection?
From burning to itching, see what your symptoms might be pointing to, and what you can do to feel better.
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What Happens to Your Body When You Sleep?
All night long, your body and brain are working hard. See the changes they're going through during a night's rest.
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Live Better With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Get personalized tips to help ease pain and improve your daily routine.
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