четвъртък, 16 август 2018 г.

What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You

Your body sends you signals constantly. Here's how to make sure you're reading them correctly -- and how to respond.
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Women's Health
What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You
Your body sends you signals constantly. Here's how to make sure you're reading them correctly -- and how to respond.
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What Is a Low-FODMAP Diet?
If you have GI troubles, eating less FODMAPs may help. But this approach isn't for everyone.
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HIV Myths You Can Stop Believing
With the right meds, you can live with HIV for decades without getting AIDS. We clear up other misconceptions.
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Symptoms of an Insect Sting Allergy
If you're stung by a bee, wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, or fire ant, will you know if you're having an allergic reaction?
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6 Meatless Protein Powerhouses
It's a hot ingredient right now, but pea protein isn't the only plant-based option.
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