петък, 17 август 2018 г.

9 Ways to Eat Cleaner

Certain foods, like white bread and pasta, lose nutrients during the manufacturing process. Trade them for these.
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Women's Health
9 Ways to Eat Cleaner
Certain foods, like white bread and pasta, lose nutrients during the manufacturing process. Trade them for these.
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Are You Taking Good Care of Your Eyes?
Has your sight changed recently, for better or for worse? Get personalized tips to help tune up your vision care.
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Check the Label: What Are Sugar Alcohols?
They can be a part of healthy eating when you're watching your sugars. Too much, though, can have this effect.
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Boost Your Mood With Exercise
Working out is good for your brain as well as your body. Here's how one expert turns on her "warrior gene."
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Should You Be Eating Crickets?
Bugs for breakfast? They may be novel to the American palate, but they're packed with protein and other benefits.
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