четвъртък, 30 август 2018 г.

How Cataracts Affect Your Vision

Many things can make your world look blurry. But there's more to cataracts than cloudy vision. Here's what you should know about symptoms and treatment options.
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Women's Health
How Cataracts Affect Your Vision
Many things can make your world look blurry. But there's more to cataracts than cloudy vision. Here's what you should know about symptoms and treatment options.
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Time to Draw the Line: How to Set Boundaries
Sometimes you need to set clear limits, and maybe issue an ultimatum -- even with those you love.
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From Hair to Sagging: Are Your Breasts Normal?
Does breastfeeding make them sag? Can your nipples give you an orgasm? Get the facts.
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Advice for Living With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Share a few answers about your symptoms for personalized tips and treatment options.
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Improving Sleep Problems During Menopause
Menopause can bring all sorts of complaints, including poor sleep. Experts are beginning to understand why.
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