събота, 18 август 2018 г.

Don't Buy These Things Used

You may find a good deal. But from bed bugs to product recalls, sometimes buying used isn't the way to go.
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Women's Health
Don't Buy These Things Used
You may find a good deal. But from bed bugs to product recalls, sometimes buying used isn't the way to go.
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Is It Age-Related Hearing Loss?
Almost a third of 65- to 74-year-olds have at least some hearing loss. Tune in to these early warning signs.
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Alcohol Use Among Women on the Rise
She and her friends would do yoga and then go out and drink wine. Sound familiar? Experts say it can be a warning sign.
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Why It's Hard to Leave a Bad Relationship
It seems it should be easy to leave when it's not "right." So why do so many of us stay with the wrong person?
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How Body Shape Can Make Heart Attacks More Likely
What kind of shape are you? Women with this one have a higher risk for heart attack.
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