вторник, 22 ноември 2011 г.



Question by disabledgrl:
Any stomach flu remedies?

I am in a musical in 3 days and i really feel a flu coming on. I want to be nicely fast! Is there a way to stop this from coming or any natural remedies to combat this?


Answer by pivotalperson111
drink serasse tea .. its a jamaican remedy that tastes kinda nasty but it works ..

Answer by TweetyBird
There is no such thing as “stomach flu”. If you feel “flu-ish”, there is not significantly you can do to avert the progression of it. Treat the symptoms you are experiencing, improve your fluid intake and try to get as much rest as possible. Try one thing like Thera-Flu, it could offer sufficient symptomatic relief for you to go on stage.

Answer by Loving_Heart
This so known as medical terminology has evolved recently, (related to Seasonal Diarrhoe), the greatest remedy is yogurt and other intestinal soothers. ADD bananas to your diet plan.

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