петък, 1 август 2014 г.

Worst Summer Allergy Offenders

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Don't Let Allergies Spoil Your Summer
Say "summer" and most people think beach vacations and ice pops -- not sneezing and itching. But allergy triggers don't take the summer off.
If you have any of the following symptoms, allergies could be to blame:
Runny nose
Itchy eyes
One A Day
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Ragweed, one of the most common summer allergy triggers, usually arrives in full force in August. Other culprits include:
Grass pollen
Dust mites
Be warned that dust mites peak during the summer as they thrive in humid temperatures. And summer air pollution can make your allergy symptoms even worse.
If you've been diagnosed with summer allergies, a number of over-the-counter treatments can provide relief:
Nasal spray decongestants
Nasal irrigation
Try these tips to keep your allergy triggers at bay:
Stay indoors during high pollen count days.
Clean your home air filters often.
Keep the humidity in your home between 30% and 50% to cut down on dust mites.
Find more ways to fight back in Your Guide to Summer Allergies: http://www.webmd.com/allergies/guide/summer-allergies.

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