петък, 9 декември 2011 г.

Year's Top 5 Health Stories: Which Affected You?

Women's Health Newsletter Friday, December 9, 2011
In This Issue:
  • Minimize Holiday Stress: Learn to Say 'No'
  • Simple Tricks to Avoid Everyday Pain
  • Severe Menstrual Pain: What Helps?

Top Story 2011: The Year's
Top Health Stories

From tainted cantaloupes to cancer screening
confusion, health stories grabbed the world's
attention in 2011. See what made our list.

Also See:
  • 14 Tips to Ease Back Pain
  • Bedbugs: Why They're Back
  • 7 Most Effective Exercises
Health News & Features
Minimize Holiday Stress: Learn to Say 'No'
Before your holiday stress level hits the red zone, learn these
four simple tactics for saying 'no' to unnecessary holiday obligations.
Also See:
  • Signs You're Losing Your Hearing?
  • Surprising Things Your Smartphone Can't Tell You

Simple Tricks to Avoid Everyday Pain
Little things you do every day could be causing headaches, backaches,
or other pain. Here's how to eliminate aches in a few simple steps.
Also See:
  • OTC Pain Relief: How to Be a Smart Shopper
  • Want to Live Longer? Fit Outweighs Fat
From The WebMD Network
• What Causes Breast Lumps in Women?
• How Is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?
From The WebMD Women's Health Community
Severe Menstrual Pain: What Helps?
This member takes painkillers to manage her severe menstrual cramps,
but she's worried about becoming dependent. Does anything else work?

See the latest discussions from the WebMD Women's Health Community.
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